We offer both Cast Resin-Aluminium Composite tools, or fully CAD machined Aluminium tools for higher anticipated quantities.

Cast Resin-Aluminium Composite Tooling

  • A low-cost, quick-start, yet fully production-orientated option to produce custom designed enclosures, ideal for low batch or short run mouldings.
  • With a typical 6 to 8 week turnaround from go ahead to first-off samples we offer a guaranteed minimum of 500 impressions – yet often twice or three times this amount can actually often be produced from a single tool before refurbishment or replacement is required.
  • Utilising an SLS or SLA, CAD-generated pattern, oversized to allow for shrinkage, our in-house toolmakers will produce an accurate and highly finished mould tool complete with pin-locations so that threaded inserts can be moulded-in, ejector pins, and any side-cores called for by the design.

Machined Aluminium Tooling

  • This tooling option is an attractive option when higher annual quantities are anticipated. These tools, fully machined from approved CAD data, are finished to a superb degree and capable not only of producing well over 5,000 minimum impressions but of being updated or modified to an enormous degree.
  • Timescales for this option are generally from 10 to 12 weeks from go ahead to first off samples.